Elise Shawl Pattern

The crochet shawl is a very versatile piece to wear when it cools, and can be worn over the shoulders, or as a scarf or scarf around the neck. And beyond the versatility of wearing this piece, the crochet shawl still brings the charm of craftsmanship, leaving the piece unique and perfect to enhance any look you wear.

And if you like this idea of ​​the crochet piece, in the post we will show you and teach you how to make Elise Shawl, he is beautiful, and will perfectly match your look.

A successful crochet shawl model is the Elise Shawl that can be worn on the back with the triangle tip in the center, or as a triangular scarf around the neck.

Pattern 1: Elise Shawl    Pattern 2: Elise Shawl

And among the creations for this shawl model, the idea here brings a red version of the shawl, but it can be made in many colors. The shawl is composed of beautiful and harmonious red bands!

For those who want simple crochet shawl inspirations, a good bet is the rectangular-shaped models that are easier to reproduce and can still be used as a crochet scarf.

For Elise Shawl, you will need patience and love, and of course, your hands, which is what will do most of this work, it may seem a bit difficult for a crochet starter, but believe me, you will love this piece

This Model Is Amazing, something about it catches my eye, it is too beautiful, modern, fashion, and the best will be done by you, what are you waiting for?

Hey Sweetie, There’s A Good Shawl Book On AMAZON, Check It Out!!: Layers: 18 Crochet Projects to Fit, Flatter & Drape

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